Willie Nelson Speaks Out on Same-Sex Marriage: He Switches A Lot

Willie Nelson

English: Willie Nelson getting ready to perform. Farm Aid 2009. Photo by Larry Philpot, http://www.soundstagephotography.com (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Willie Nelson is leaving no room for doubt about his stance on same-sex marriage.

“It’s ridiculous to me that this is something we’re having a conversation about in this day and age,”  Nelson told Texas Monthly recently, adding that he has been closely following the two Supreme Court hearings on gay marriage.  “I thought it was something that was settled a long time ago.”

In the feature, Nelson also poses with custom-made prints of the Human Rights Campaign’s pink equal-sign logo. They include two Nelson-specific reinterpretations – one made with two braids, the other with two smoking joints.

“I’ve known straight and gay people all my life. I can’t tell the difference,” the Texas native added. “People are people where I came from.”

Nelson said he’s never seen any reason why same-sex couples shouldn’t be allowed to wed – “[gay people] should be just as miserable as the rest of us,” he joked – and couldn’t believe that such a question was still being debated so fiercely. “We’ll look back and say it was crazy that we ever even argued about this.”

“It’s about human rights,” Nelson said. “As humanity, we’ve come through so many problems from the beginning to here. I guess it finally had to come around to this. This is just another situation, another problem. We’ll work it out and move on.”


Arkansas State’s Zach Hedrick named Undergraduate Director

Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity is proud to announce the election of Undergraduate Directors to its National Board of Directors. The 2012-2013 Undergraduate Directors are Jordan Alf, University of Wisconsin-Platteville; Zach Hedrick, Arkansas State University; James Nasados, Jr., University of Idaho; and Frank Roche, California State University-Fresno.

Zach Hedrick is a junior at Arkansas State University and was initiated by Beta Epsilon Chapter in 2009. He has served as VNR Planning and currently serves as Noble Ruler for his Chapter. At Arkansas State, Hedrick is a member of the Pre-Law Club, College Republicans, the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, and the national leadership and honors organization Sigma Alpha Lambda, among many other organizations. Since taking over as Noble Ruler, he has taken steps to adopt a stretch of the highway for the Chapter to maintain. His service to agriculture includes growing up with a farming heritage deeply rooted in both sides of his family. After learning many farming techniques from both of his grandfathers, he has spent countless hours working on friends’ farms.

Hedrick’s goal as Noble Ruler is to make the Beta Epsilon Chapter the most prestigious fraternity at Arkansas State by winning the “Best Men on Campus” award. He feels as though his Chapter has the potential and the drive to become more involved on campus and within the community, and he looks forward to the opportunity to share his experiences with the Board of Directors and other chapters across the country.

Internship at the Brickhouse Grill

Internship mention on CNN iReport:

Dexter, Missouri – Zach Hedrick, a graduate and native of Dexter, Missouri recently landed an internship at the Brickhouse Grill in downtown Jonesboro, Arkansas.

His internship, through Arkansas State University, will run throughout the spring semester and will be one of the final steps in completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations.

Zack will focus a majority of his efforts on social media promotions for the Brickhouse Grill. Although one of the more popular places in Jonesboro, social media has not been the main focus in their advertising efforts. By revamping the website and menu, Hedrick says, “I hope to boost sales and strengthen the Brickhouse Grill name. That’s my goal.”

While working on his internship at the Brickhouse Grill, he will report back to his Public Relations Practicum class once a week to review his progress with Dr. Gil Fowler. Class time is also used to brush-up on new skills involving his major.

The Brickhouse Grill was established in 2007 by Louisiana transplant Dan Johnson. The bar and grill venue brings together an incredible mix of amazing food, the very best in live music, and an unbeatable atmosphere, all served up New Orleans style. The Brickhouse Grill was one of the leading forces in the revitalization efforts in downtown Jonesboro and is located at 218 S. Main Street.

Zach, now 21, is the son of Dexter business owners Alan and Tracy Hedrick. He spent his entire life in Dexter, Missouri before beginning his career at Arkansas State University in the fall of 2009. After initially declaring his major in Political Science, he changed his major to Public Relations during his sophomore year and has thoroughly enjoyed the ASU College of Communications.

Hedrick is working towards his Bachelor’s Degree in Public Relations with a minor in History. His anticipated graduation is soon approaching on May 11, 2013. Congratulations Zach on a job well done!


Here’s to the …

“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.” –Apple Inc.